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Philip Morris e-cigarette Iqos released in UK to curb cigarette smoking; Not any safer due to contained tobacco?

By Mauricia | Dec 01, 2016 09:02 PM EST
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  • The Philip Morris International Inc. iQOS electronic cigarette, including Marlboro HeatSticks and iQOS holder, right, is arranged for a photograph in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016.
  • The Philip Morris International Inc. iQOS electronic cigarette, including packs of Marlboro HeatStick, left, is arranged to photograph in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016.
  • The Philip Morris International Inc. iQOS electronic cigarette is arranged for a photograph in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016.
  • The Philip Morris International Inc. iQOS electronic cigarette, including Marlboro HeatSticks and iQOS holder, right, is arranged for a photograph in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016.
  • The Philip Morris International Inc. iQOS electronic cigarette, including packs of Marlboro HeatStick, left, is arranged to photograph in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016.

Philip Morris International released on Wednesday a non-burning cigarette substitute in the UK in an endeavor to eliminate traditional cigarettes.

Cigarette smoking is dangerous to the health and not just dangerous, it kills. The Marlboro-producer and tobacco giant company manufactured the IQOS device in order to replace the customary cigarette sticks. The device might be similar to an e-cigarette stick, however; the IQOS device uses genuine tobacco. Another thing is, with IQOS the tobacco is heated and not burned as stated by Philip Morris during the Tuesday event.

Because the tobacco in the Iqos device does not burn but just heated to 350 degrees Celsius, Philip Morris affirms that it is healthier compared to traditional cigarettes. But these health claims need to be proven by a different agency.

According to a report from Business Insider, in a clinical test, Philip Morris measures the level of harmful components in the blood and urine of Iqos users. However, the input is far less convincing.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse said, "the worst health consequences associated with smoking (e.g., cancer and heart disease) are linked to inhalation of tar and other chemicals produced by tobacco combustion; the pleasurable, reinforcing, and addictive properties of smoking are produced mostly by the nicotine contained in tobacco."

Philip Morris claims that Iqos is considered healthier compared to traditional cigarettes because the tobacco in Iqos is heated up to 350 degrees Celsius, unlike traditional cigarettes that burn from 800 to 900 degrees Celsius.

Additionally , the giant cigarette manufacturer claims that smokers will get the same nicotine content but will inhale 90% less of the harmful toxins that go with the cigarette smoke, as reported by BBC. Apparently, Iqos contains both the substances tobacco and propylene glycol.

Philip Morris launched Iqos in the UK to help the public stop from smoking. Though  its smoking device creates less dangerous materials of 90 to 95% less than traditional cigarettes, such claims have not been verified ostensibly. It is also the producer of Marlboro and Benson & Hedges.

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