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Park Yoochun summoned for four consecutive days by Police Officials as sexual assault investigation continues

By Katherine De Guzman | Jul 06, 2016 09:05 AM EDT

JYJ band member Park Yoochun has been summoned for four consecutive days by the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, after a total of five women have come forward claiming that they were sexually assaulted by the singer-actor.

Park reportedly appeared before the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency to give additional testimonies, after he filed the first countersuit to one of the women who filed a complaint against him, All KPop reported. Park said in his countersuit that the charges against him are false, and that he is being blackmailed by the supposed victim accusing him of rape.

Park was first summoned on June 30. He was investigated and questioned back then for a total of eight hours. He was then summoned for four consecutive days since July 2 and appeared before the authorities handling the case.

A police representative said in a statement, "The incident is reliant upon the opposing party's confession so in the case that [the investigation] ever comes down to it, we are considering conducting lie detector tests and cross-examinations."

Park has been sued four times and he has filed two countersuits to two of the women claiming they were raped by him. There are a total of five complaints but the first ever complainant withdrew her statements. Officials are still, however, investigating the first woman who came forward with the sexual assault claims.

As for his second countersuit, Park and his legal representative filed the matter in Southern Seoul's Gangnam Police Station on Monday, July 4, Yibada reported.

The women who have come forward reportedly worked in bars and they were assaulted by Park in the bathroom of the establishment they are working at.

Two other Korean stars were linked to the sexual assault case of Park, as both Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Gum is said to be with Yoochun when the sexual assault occurred in June. These rumors were debunked as the entertainment agency UAA claimed that the two Korean stars were at the Baeksang Arts Awards during the alleged June attack.

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