"Tokyo Ghoul" continues to rise in the world of anime and manga because of its unique storyline of ghouls and humans. The rumored season three of the upcoming anime series will feature a unique twist that practically throws the plot in a different direction.
"Tokyo Ghoul," one of the most popular supernatural/horror anime series is set to return for another season. According to when-will, the series have been confirmed for another season but the exact date of release is still unknown. No additional details were released in terms of plot and whether the anime will remain faithful to the manga.
For the unfamiliar, "Tokyo Ghoul" is a story about Ken Kaneki - a student attacked by a ghoul who luckily survives. However, Ken becomes a ghoul himself and he releases the power of "kagune" in order to attack his enemy and protect his friends. Ken must survive as a ghoul while fully functioning as human in a society that despises their kind.
(Warning: possible spoilers)
If the upcoming season is going to be faithful to its source, Ken Kaneki is going to go through serious transformation. Ken has lost his memory and he is now known as Haise Sasaki. Instead of working for the ghouls, Ken is now working under CCG as a special investigator after rigorous training from Arima.
Aside from the big overhaul of the storyline, Ken will work with various investigators as they try to hunt down various ghouls. The CCG will also hunt for a group called "Aogiri Tree" as well as their unknown leader the One Eyed King.
Fortunately, there are enough materials for the studio to work with for another season of "Tokyo Ghoul." However, the scheduling of the anime series changes since the first season started July 2014 while the second season premiered Jan 2015 according to My Anime List.
While the series is confirmed for another season, the premiere date is still unknown. If the anime series continues with another season, the supernatural/horror anime will feature Ken in a totally different persona. It is going to be interesting how the studio will interpret his transformation from a ghoul fighter to a ghoul investigator.