The monthly manga series "Attack on Titan" recently released its 86th chapter chronicling the life of Eren's father outside the walls. The latest chapter comes with a bombshell of a revelation as it focuses not only on Eren's father but also on Zeke.
The latest chapter of Attack on Titan comes with massive revelations especially on the origins of the titans. According to the latest release from Manga Fox, Ymir Fritz made a deal with the devil to make her a titan. Her power pushed the establishment of the Eldians as they sought to wipe out other civilizations.
However, the uprising of the Marleyans have diminished the capability of the Titans and the rest of the Eldians who stayed with the Marleyans are placed in a ghetto. Grisha was part of the revolutionaries against Marleyans and with one of the descendants of Ymir, they bore their first son, Zeke.
Although the rebel planted Zeke to provide them with necessary information against the Marleyans, Zeke ultimately betrayed his parents. As punishment, Grisha and his wife was sent off to Paradis island.
The forum discussion on My Anime List focuses on Grisha's past and it's possible implications to Eren. Because of the journal, Eren knows that Zeke is his half-brother. Eren could use the journal to persuade Zeke to be part of the forces against the Marleyans or he could use it as a motivation to fight against Zeke who ultimately betrayed his family.
On the other hand, one of Zeke's personal mission is to save Eren from the human settlement. Zeke believes Eren was brainwashed by his father to believe that the titans outside the walls are evil. The journals of Grisha may tell the story of their past and it might be enough for Eren to convince Zeke about their father's history.
The upcoming chapters of "Attack on Titan" will continue the journals of Grisha. But it will also shift to the present where Eren will wrestle with the fact that Zeke - the leader of the titans attacking their city is actually his half-brother. The journal will offer more than just the story of Eldians as it will ultimately tell the story of the Progenitor Titan.