The highly anticipated second season of the popular anime series "Attack on Titan" is finally returning on April 1. With the first season's epic conclusion, the trailer looks and feels a powerful follow-up featuring one of the strongest titan's in the series.
Season 2 Premiere Confirmed
Fans of the popular anime series "Attack on Titan" have finally something to expect this year as Polygon reports that the second season will premiere on April 1. A date puts a definite continuation of the epic storyline of the manga turned anime featuring human eating giants who continues to protect themselves with massive walls.
One of the biggest stories in anime series will provide additional information especially the questions left unanswered in the first season. Eren's transformation into a Titan opened up a lot of possibilities as he used his power to defeat the attacking Titans. But it also opened up more questions since his transformation could also their cause of defeat within the walls.
Speaking of walls, the second season will push the Survey Corps and the humans inside the walls. According to Geek, the Titans in the second season will feature the Titans' continued attack after they have destroyed the first wall.
Scope for 'Attack on Titan' Season 2
Fans of the anime and manga version are all too aware of the upcoming storyline especially the mythos that revolves around the Titan transformation. The second season might answer those questions as the first season ran through a lot of information dump for their viewers.
The first season ran for 25 episodes and it's expected that the upcoming series will also have the same number of episodes. As for the scope of the story, the first season covered 35 chapters of its manga source - the same number of chapters could be covered or even more which means additional revelation about the origin of Titans.
Watch the trailer of the upcoming season for "Attack on Titans" below: