'Doom' DLC Update: Bethesda and Id to release new updates to improve on multiplayer experience; 'Unto Evil' to be a paid premium content

By Ian Francois / Jul 31, 2016 11:14 PM EDT
A gamer shooting at aliens in the video promoting a new update for Doom.
(Photo : Betheda Softworks DOOM – Big Updates, New Content and PartyPlay/Youtube) A gamer shooting at aliens in the video promoting a new update for Doom.

Gaming giant Bethesda and Id has announced two new updates for the recently released "Doom" that will greatly improve on the multiplayer experience.

According to Slash Gear, the first update is a free download that has two new multiplayer features and a lot of custom content for the SnapMap mode which will enable players to create their own maps as well as game types, while the second update "Unto Evil" will be the first of three planned premium DLC content by Bethesda and Id the which will include several add-ons like weapons, multiplayer maps and more. The premium content, which is priced at $15, will cost gamers money but is assured to really delight the fans.

Bethesda stated as well that the free update will introduce Exodus, which is a capture the flag mode of game play and Sector which will be a point capture mode, Polygon reported.

While paid content has been known to create a splinter in player base with those paying for content being grouped apart from those who do not, "Unto Evil" seems to have attained the balance by introducing smart features such as Doom's PartyPlay, which will enable friends who want to play together to do so as long as one of the members has purchased the DLC. This is expected to attract more gamers and may even encourage them to pay for the content as they are able to try out the items such as weapons and maps before being asked to pay for them.

The free update for "Doom" has been released on July 29, while the premium content will be available for download on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on Aug. 5. You can check out a preview of the update in the video below: