The hit manga series "One Punch Man" continues the story of Saitama's adventure as he focuses his efforts in winning the Super Fight. On the other hand, other heroes have their hands full of the attacking monsters in different city.
Chapter 67 of the popular manga series "One Punch Man" can be read online on Manga Stream. The latest chapter mentioned Saitama with only a quick update as he advances to the semi-final round by defeating Sour Face. The latest chapter focuses on the efforts of other heroes that current defend cities from attacking monsters.
One of the heroes defending the city is Drive Knight. He successfully uses his shape shifting power to eliminate various monsters except one enemy. Just like most of his tactics, he saves the last enemy in order to extract every possible information he needs.
In another part of the city, Child Emperor is squaring off with Eyesight. The hero uses his robot dog to defeat the poisonous snake villain. However, his efforts in remotely detonating the robot dog failed and his hiding place was found by Eyesight.
But before Eyesight could kill Child Emperor, Pig God arrives. Before any confrontation, Pig God simply swallowed Eyesight whole without any regard to her poison since he is really hungry and Eyesight will just dissolve in his belly in a couple of hours.
Meanwhile, the extremely popular Watchdog Man is standing in front of a heap of monsters he just defeated. Everyone is in awe of his power as well as his expressionless face that goes through the enemy without even changing.
The chapter ends with Garou hiding in the crowd watching Watchdog Man. Without notice, he immediately attacks Watchdog with a direct strike.
The forum discussion on My Anime List about the latest chapter of "One Punch Man" focuses on the potential showdown not only in the Super Fight but also between Watchdog Man and Garou. Saitama's enemy for the semi-finals is still unknown but anyone of the listed semi-finalists is known for their powerful attacks.
On the other hand, Garou's thirst for challenge led him to attack Watchdog Man. Their fight could be big in the upcoming chapters considering their powers in defeating their enemy.