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‘Wolfenstein: The New Order’ could have a sequel called ‘The New Colossus’: voice actor Brian Bloom

By Migs Casas | Oct 21, 2016 05:50 AM EDT
“Wolfenstein: The New Order” voice actor Brian Bloom teases on the possibility of a “Wolfenstein” sequel called “The New Colossus.”
(Photo : Facebook/Wolfenstein: The New Order) “Wolfenstein: The New Order” voice actor Brian Bloom teases on the possibility of a “Wolfenstein” sequel called “The New Colossus.”

Bethesda might be up to making a new sequel to 2014's "Wolfenstein: The New Order." Back then in E3 2016, there was a command prompt in an MS-DOS manner that showed a lineup of games made from Bethesda like "Doom" and the "Wolfenstein" series. One particular entry that caught the fans' attention though was the title "The New Colossus." This was also further teased by voice actor Brian Bloom in an interview with TwoLeftSticks.

According to that interview, Brian Bloom, the one who voiced B.J. Blazkowicz in the 2014 game, teased that would be a sequel to 2014's "Wolfenstein: The New Order." He added, "If you look at Bethesda's E3 2016 lineup there was a title hinted at in a cool way. It sparked a bit of wildfire. That subtle, very simple DOS language, going through the titles. Perhaps we're working on that as we speak."

During the E3 event, a mock cmd.exe screen was flashed on the screen during Bethesda's briefing that showed a list of the studio's game releases since the 90's. Under the "Wolfenstein" banner, we were able to see "Wolfenstein 3D," "The New Order," and "The Old Blood" with their respective release dates. However, there was a fourth entry that was called "New Colossus" with a release date listed as only "**-**-**."

Whether this "New Colossus" may be a sequel or even an expansion, we wouldn't know. "New Colossus" can also refer to the sonnet made by Emma Lazarus, which is found on the base of the Statue of Liberty. This was also recited by the protagonist Blazkowicz at the end of "The New Order."

An earlier article in Gamespot mentioned that Bethesda would somehow announce the sequel during E3. However, this didn't happen except for the teaser that was shown.

"The New Order" developer MachineGames, which is also owned by Bethesda, also mentioned that would have plans in making a sequel, having a "very, very clear idea" what to possibly do with it. Even voice actress Alicja Bachleda-Curus, who played Anya Oliwa in the game, mentioned back in September last year that she is on-board on working on a "second one" that could possibly launch in 2017.

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