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'Star Wars' news: Lucasfilm president on ncluding other characters from other ‘Star Wars’ series in the live-action films

By Migs Casas | Dec 06, 2016 12:05 PM EST
“Clone Wars” character Saw Gerrera will be appearing in “Rogue One,” played by Forest Whitaker
(Photo : YouTube/IGN) “Clone Wars” character Saw Gerrera will be appearing in “Rogue One,” played by Forest Whitaker

Whether it was revealed earlier on or not, it is confirmed that an earlier character from the "Star Wars Clone Wars" series will be showing up in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." It's none other than Saw Gerrera himself, who's live and older version is being played by actor Forest Whitaker. This begs the question though: Are we going to see other characters from the other series based on the "Star Wars" universe in the upcoming live-action movies?

Based on the recent reports of IGN, Lucasfilm president and Star Wars movie producer Kathleen Kennedy did not confirm it, but, at the same time, considered the possibilities of having characters from the other series being brought into the live-action film universe. During a press conference on "Rogue One" in Lucasfilms, she did stress, however, that their movies were all about formulating stories instead of "launching pads" for the other supporting characters in the series like "Clone Wars" to be featured in the big screen in live-action.

"You know, that really isn't the approach that we have," mentioned the Lucasfilm president. "We don't sit down and start isolating a list of characters and then build stories around those."

Kennedy went on by saying, "We really are starting with the stories themselves and then if some of those characters might come in to what it is we want to do or say we'll consider it then but that's not part of the strategy, no."

One could actually hope that we could see some of the characters in the big screen for their live-action counterparts from series like "Clone Wars," "Rebels" and even the novels, comics and videogames as well.

In earlier news, Kennedy did mention that "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" will not be having a sequel, saying that the sequel to the film itself is George Lucas's 1977 classic "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" and the rest of the classic trilogy.

Forest Whitaker's Saw Gerrera and the rest of the "Rogue One" case will make their big screen live-action debut when Rogue One premieres worldwide on Dec. 16.

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