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White House reveals plans in handling life-threatening asteroids that could hit Earth

By Alicia Carlton | Jan 10, 2017 04:41 AM EST
Space Shuttle Discovery Continues On Its Last Mission
(Photo : NASA via Getty Images) In this handout image provided by NASA, controlled by the STS-133 astronauts.

Should an asteroid hit planet Earth, the United States has some solution to prevent fatalities and serious damages. The country's National Near-Earth Object (NEO) Preparedness Strategy has revealed the method on how they plan to save the Earth from a possible asteroid landing that could lead to chaos.

Based on Metro's report, the NNEOPS suggests that detection systems require upgrades and enhancements. This would make it easier for them to prevent an asteroid's landing or at least it would enable them to suspend its movement before hitting Earth.

It is only normal for people to imagine the whole "Armageddon" movie whenever this topic is brought up. The idea of having a huge asteroid landing on Earth sounds scary but right now, the White House would like to comfort everyone that the worst is very unlikely to happen as of the moment. Just in case it does, they are prepared with a feasible emergency plan.

After all detection systems are taken care of, they plan to build a space probe through Artificial Intelligence (AI). It will help them determine the kind of asteroid that is about to land, as well as its size and weight. Aside from these details, what they could do is just leave it open for interpretation.

The good news is that the data coming from these systems would allow defense experts to come up with new strategies in case a dangerous asteroid is about to hit the planet. The word on the street is that they are even thinking of putting up some warning siren to alarm people and prepare them to find cover.

The White House is just timely in preparing for this matter because yesterday, a NEO was spotted that is just as closed as the moon's distance from Earth. It almost hit the planet and it was moving very fast. The size is a big as a 10-story building, according to The Daily Mail. Despite the recent plan that the White House released, they still can say that they are unprepared for something as big as this.

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