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Jackie Chan Offers Financial Aid to Kin of Killed Firemen

By Marcel Woo | Jan 07, 2015 07:26 PM EST
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan

Even with the controversies hounding his son, Jackie Chan continues with his philanthropic works by donating money to the family of firefighters killed in a fire in northeast China.

The Chinese Kung-fu star, whose son was officially charged for illegal drugs in Beijing, donated 500,000 yuan (about US $80,523) to the five families of firefighters who died while battling a warehouse blaze in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang.

The firemen, whose age ranged between 18 and 22, died after the warehouse of Beifangnanxun ceramics collapsed while they were trying to contain the fire.

The blaze occurred on Friday at about 9:37 pm, authorities said. Rescuers and fellow firefighters tried to save the fallen firemen but they were buried in hot debris.

The tragedy involving the young firefighters broke the hearts of the community, whose residents immediately expressed their willingness to give financial assistance to the surviving families.

The call for a donation account was immediately responded to by the provincial civil affairs in order to make official the financial donations for the families of the five firemen.

Upon learning of the tragedy and the donation account, Chan immediately donated 50,000 yuan for the family of the dead firefighters.

The civil affairs department of Heilongjiang said Chan's donation was immediately given to the five families.

The local government of Heilongjiang said it will also provide financial assistance to the families of the dead firefighters.

Meanwhile, Jackie Chan's son, Jaycee, will stand trial Friday on a drugs charge, media reported on Tuesday.

The younger Chan, a 32-year-old actor and singer, would be tried in Eastern District Court in Beijing. He was formally charged last month with "the crime of sheltering others to take drugs" after testing positive for marijuana. Police said they found 100 grams at his home.

Jackie Chan earlier said he felt ashamed of his son's drug abuse and hoped that Jaycee will reform and talk about the dangers of taking drugs.

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