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TWICE accused of plagiarizing EXO's concept; Group's 'TT' beat Girls Generation's 'I GoT A Boy' as the most viewed girl group MV in Kpop history

By Louise Bonquin | May 11, 2017 05:57 PM EDT
TWICE's new album "Signal" is being criticized for similarity with EXO's concept.
(Photo : JYP Entertainment/YouTube) TWICE's new album "Signal" is being criticized for similarity with EXO's concept.

Girl group TWICE is on the roll as the songs that they release always end up as big hits. After achieving continuous success, the group is gearing up on releasing its new album called "Signal," however, fans accused them of plagiarizing EXO's concept of having super powers.

In the "Signal" album, TWICE members feature a concept of unleashing their own powers which is remarkably similar to EXO. In the previews, the ladies seems to have come from outer space and they each have some kind of super powers.

Sana can go invisible while Jungyeon and Nayeon were showed to have the super ability to control time. Jihyo displays an X-ray vision and Dahyun can multiply her body. Lastly, Momo has the gift of speed, Tzuyu boasts of incredible strength and Mina can hypnotize anyone.

Allkpop notes that although the group's new concept seems unique for them, it is actually almost the same as with EXO. The boy group showed different super powers from TWICE but the over-all idea is undeniably the same.

There were observers who pointed out that supernatural power concept has existed for decades, even before EXO was formed. Thus, no one can really claim that they are the original, the inventor of the idea in Kpop.

To this view, one EXO-L replied, "True, EXO didn't create the supernatural concept, but they were the first to debut with that concept in Kpop." In any case, no one from EXO's side is really complaining so it could be that EXO fans are only protecting their idols.

Meanwhile, TWICE received another recognition as their song "TT" has been listed as the Most Viewed Girl Group Kpop Video in history. The group displaced the all-time title holder, Girls' Generation's "I Got A Boy." As mentioned on Pop Crush, the "TT" MV is also the fastest Kpop video to hit 100 million views, and now it already exceeded the 190 million views mark.

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