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Is Park Yoochun's Acting Career Over? Producers Refuse to Cast Actor With Tarnished Image

By Charissa Echavez | Jun 24, 2016 09:15 AM EDT
Film makers refused to cast actor Park Yoochun after having been dragged to multiple sexual assault cases.
(Photo : YouTube Screenshot) Film makers have expressed concern about adding Park Yoochun to their cast due to multiple sexual assault cases that the actor is currently involved in.

After being slapped with four different sexual assault cases, Park Yoochun might not have any more acting projects as producers are concerned about working with the actor.

Although the court has not decided upon the case yet, film makers appear to have already drawn a line from the singer and his agency.

"Even if these cases turn out to be false, there still won't be anybody willing to cast someone who's fans have turned their backs on him," an anonymous producer told TV Report during a Q&A with several other producers on June 17.

"There's no point in using an actor with a tarnished image," another producer commented. "When an actor causes a huge scandal like Park Yoochun, it can hurt the drama, leaving no method of recourse."

Aside from the impending sexual assault cases, there have been allegations that C-JeS Entertainment's ties to gang activities is one of the reasons why people are shunning the actor, Kpop Starz reported.

"The connection between entertainment agencies and gangsters have long been rumors, but the article revealed the true of this came as a big shock. I don't think things will end with the Park Yoochun case," another TV producer said.

Park Yoochun is now being investigated after four women claimed that he sexually assaulted them. According to the singer's agency, he is not guilty. The company claims that the first complainant attempted to extort money in exchange for her silence. The first alleged victim has now dropped her charges.

In an official statement released by C-JeS Entertainment earlier this week, the company said it plans to file a complaint about blackmail and false accusations against the women alleging Yoochun sexually assaulted them. C-JeS Entertainment also vowed to cooperate with the authorities and redeem Yoochun's image.

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