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'Rooftop Prince' star Park Yoochun faces controversy; Hallyu star faces claims of lies, deception, prostitution, fraud?

By Alexa A. | Jul 22, 2016 10:33 AM EDT
Park Yoochun is facing bad press and issues of sexual assault and prostitution.
(Photo : Park Yoo Chun/ Facebook ) Park Yoochun is facing bad press and issues of sexual assault and prostitution.

The charming face behind the successful K-pop dramas, Park Yoochun, is facing much negativity for the past few days. The actor is being linked to some complaints and legal charges of deception, prostitution and fraud.

Park Yoochun regained his fame when he appeared in the "Rooftop Prince" and "The Girl Who Sees Smells." However, it appears that everything that he has built is slowly crumbling down. According to MNG, Yoochun's charges are not new because the actor had faced five counts of sexual assault filed against him.

 Although some were not proven and some were dismissed, new claims have begun to surface again and it has brought two new indictments for Park Yoochun. Given the fact that prostitution is not legal in South Korea clearly implies the strong conservative nature of the country.

A separate post from the Bitbag revealed that of certain messages being passed on. Rumors of how the text messages serve as a testimony to the nature and true character of Park Yoochun. According to the report, the authorities have uncovered some critical information supporting the claims against Yoochun.

The report also mentioned how Park Yoochun offered to pay money for some services that are inappropriate and considered illegal in South Korea. Also, since an agreement was ultimately set between the two, Yoochun failed to deliver his promise thus led to the complaints being pressed on against him.

On a different note, there are still many things that Park Yoochun has to overcome. For one, the authorities could still file a case against him such as solicitation of prostitution, wherein the country still considers as a serious case as well as fraud for failing to offer the payment for the services that he had allegedly demanded.

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