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DC fans files petition to shut down Rotten Tomatoes for giving 'Suicide Squad' a poor review; Many call the petition stupid

By Angel Soleil | Aug 05, 2016 05:41 AM EDT
DC fans petition to shut down Rotten Tomatoes for giving "Suicide Squad" a poor review.
(Photo : Instagram/suicidesquadmovie) DC fans petition to shut down Rotten Tomatoes for giving "Suicide Squad" a poor review.

A group of DC fans filed a petition to shut down Rotten Tomatoes after giving "Suicide Squad" bad reviews. The petition created at Change.org was filed by Abdullah Coldwater from Alexandria, Egypt. Despite the number of supporters, many think that the petition filed was pointless.

Coldwater said that Rotten Tomatoes should be shut down because of the bias reviews it gives to movies from DC Extended Universe. "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" was given a poor rating by the site scoring only 65 percent while "Man of Steel" scoring 75 percent. "Suicide Squad" has not yet opened for fan voting's but has been given a score of 32 percent by the website.

As of this writing, the petition filed in Change.org has already garnered 18,495 supporters. Despite the increasing number the petition continues to gain, Yahoo News reported that Coldwater's petition has been called stupid by other people. The website uses a formula to calculate the overall reactions of viewers towards a movie based on a number of reviews so they are not to blame.

According to the Irish Times, it has to be worth considering that Warner Bros., the company behind DC Extended Universe, currently owns 30 percent of the shares of Flixster which the company acquired in 2011. With that being said, the reviews given to "Suicide Squad" should have credibility. Coldwater responded to the people calling his petition stupid by clarifying that his intent was not to shut down the website, but to send a message that a lot of DC fans did not receive their reviews very well.

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