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Bombay’s High Court Acquits Salman Khan’s Hit And Run Case

By Lorenzo | Dec 13, 2015 08:27 PM EST

49-year-old Indian actor Salman Khan's 2012 homicide case in 2002 ended due to not having considerable and inconsistent evidence filed by Patil, who in 2007, died because of tuberculosis.

Patil was Khan's bodyguard in September 2002, as the actor received several threats in that year from the underworld. As reported on BBC, the incident happened last 2002 when Khan ran over five people sleeping on a Mumbai street, killing one person and leaving four others injured.

Khan was then charged in October with culpable homicide not amounting to murder which he then pleaded to the court to drop the charge. But in May 2003, the court rejected his plea.

Earlier this May, Khan was found guilty and was sentenced to be imprisoned for five years.

 Upon waiting for the Bombay High Court's verdict, Salman was said to be emotional, according to The Indian EXPRESS. He arrived at court 1:30 pm sharp on Thursday wearing his favorite blue checkered shirt.

As Khan stood up to receive his verdict, the court ruled him not guilty and acquitted him of all the cases charged to him. Khan was seen to be overwhelmed and was almost crying.

"I accept the decision of the judiciary with humility. I thank my family, friends & fans for their support & prayers," he tweeted after three hours of waiting for the procedure to be completed upon hearing the judge's decision.

Amit Desai, Salman's senior council, said that it is not just the actor's victory but also everyone's victory after several arguments with the judges before accepting their statements.

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