Supernatural manga series "Tokyo Ghoul:re" continues as ghouls make their stand against the efforts of CCG with the Quinx Squad. While the battle pushes forward, Seidou is unexpectedly protected by Akira with fatal consequences.
The latest chapter of "Tokyo Ghoul:re" is already online in high quality through Manga Stream. The chapter starts with Seidou realizing that he is being protected by Akira from powerful attacks from Mutsuki. The flashback reveals that Akira and Seidou were schoolmates and the top two students when they were in third year.
Even though Akira is covering Seidou, Mutsuki elected to use his Kagune and attack Seidou as well as Akira. Mutsuki reminded Akira that her actions are illegal which allows him to attack. Akira is already crying to Seidou and Mutsuki appears to give her the death blow.
Before the Mutsuki could make his final attack, Amon appears out of nowhere to defend Seidou and Akira. Because of his speed, Amon was able to bite Mutsuki's shoulder. But the initial victory was short lived because Amon was immediately grabbed by the Ginkui.
Urie, who controls the Ginkui and the rest of the Quinx Squad have arrived and the leader of the group made his plan very clear: kill the enemy. Amon, Seidou and Akira will have to face some of the strongest members of the CCG in order to survive.
Discussion on Manga Helpers forum focuses on the fate of Amon as he faces the Quinx Squad. Amon will certainly have a very difficult time defending himself against a very powerful group. However, Amon is still a very important character in the manga that he just can't die in the hands of Urie.
If Amon is indeed a very important character in the manga, someone could show up and rescue them against the powerful Quinx Squad. Ken Kaneki could finally appear and rescue Amon.
Chapter 95 of "Tokyo Ghoul:re" revealed the power of Urie as well as the dedication of Akira and Amon. The upcoming chapter will most likely feature a showdown between Amon and Urie with the possibility of Ken Kaneki showing up to help the ghouls.