The hit anime series "Attack on Titan" is confirmed to return next year. As the first season ends with big revelations for Eren, the upcoming season will feature more titans and the revelation on how it all started.
"Attack on Titan" is going back to the small screen in 2017 according to Anime News Network. Although the exact date of release is still unknown, the anime series about giants is scheduled to return Spring next year. The director and art director from first season are also set to return to guide the series.
For the unfamiliar, "Attack on Titan" is an anime series based on a manga of the same name. The series focuses on Eren Yaeger who joins the military in order to deal with the attacking giants whose main intent is to kill and eat people. The popularity of the anime series has spawned two live action movies and games.
The first season of "Attack on Titan" focuses on the situation of the people inside the protected walls. The series also introduced Eren and his struggles to be part of the army or Survey Corps. But a big twist in the story reveals that the titans attacking are more than just ruthless giants as Eren will find out for himself.
According to My Anime List, the first season of "Attack on Titan" ran for 25 episodes and it covered 34 chapters in manga. As of this writing, the popular manga is already on its 86th chapter - more than enough materials for the studio to work on.
The first season of the popular anime series revealed numerous titans attacking the city with some notable titan characters such as the Colossal Titan and the Female Titan. The upcoming season will feature additional titans and it will also feature the story of Ymir Fritz - the first titan.
The second season of "Attack on Titan" is finally coming Spring next year. Aside from the titans, the revelation of their origins as well as the revelation that titans are not just mindless giants going out to eat people will push the series further.