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‘Street Fighter V’ news: Akuma to appear as a DLC character

By Migs Casas | Nov 08, 2016 01:03 PM EST
Akuma will be making his reappearance in “Street Fighter V”
(Photo : YouTube/Capcom) Akuma will be making his reappearance in “Street Fighter V”

With Capcom enhancing their gameplay for "Street Fighter V" through updates and additional characters, another classic character from the franchise will be making his reappearance in the latest title and it's none other than the demonic martial arts master, Akuma.

According to Gamespot, Akuma was announced after the Red Bull Battlegrounds tournament event ended in Seattle, Washington. Accompanying that announcement for "Street Fighter V" was a teaser video that revealed a new stage, which is described as a ruined temple in a rainy weather.

The character Akuma is known for his unique move, the Shun Goku Satsu. Its visuals depict a blood red eye moving around in the dark alongside the sounds of the devil fighter beating up his opponent being heard. After executing the move, Japanese Kanji will suddenly pop up superimposed on Akuma's back as he does his badass pose.

What's worth noting, however, is that this version of Akuma in "Street Fighter V" seems to have his Kanji symbol altered a bit from the previous versions. It seems that this particular Kanji was used for the version of Akuma in "Capcom Vs. SNK 2." According to Eventhubs, this Kanji actually meant "God" in English, while the original one had the word "heaven" in it.

With the new V-Trigger mechanics in "Street Fighter V," this may lead to some speculation that this title's Akuma might have gone a few changes, not just in gameplay but also character and story-wise. So far, fans speculate that the V-Trigger him into the Shin Akuma form, making him transform into a powerful state like other characters such as Necalli.

Those maybe are the only details so far in "Street Fighter V's" Akuma since there hasn't been any announcement on the release dates yet. The character, however, will be playable on the PlayStation Experience, which will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center on Dec. 3 and 4.

Here's the featured video:

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