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‘Dies Irae – Amantes Amentes’ visual novel; successful Kickstarter campaign and anime confirmed!

By Ryan Dawn Umadhay | Jan 14, 2017 04:53 AM EST
'Dies Irae' Game Title Page
(Photo : Screenshot: Youtube/azurewolf7) 'Dies Irae' Game Title Page

"Dies Irae - Amantes Amentes," one of the most popular visual novels in Japan, is finally getting an English adaptation through Steam. But fans of visual novels should expect something bigger from the visual novel in 2017.

Successful Kickstarter Campaign

One of the most popular visual novels for PlayStation Portable in Japan will soon have an English language release. According to Crunchyroll, the funding target on Kickstarter campaign to get an English language version of the visual novel was reached before deadline. The goal was to reach $160,000 but the funding for the game already reached more than $220,000 as of this writing.

The Kickstarter campaign for an English language is very attractive for gamers because it's goal is to get English language game to Steam. Through Steam, players can enjoy hours of interesting visuals with impressive storyline of an alternate timeline. The game is expected to arrive May 2017.

Speaking of timeline, "Dies Irae - Amantes Amentes" is an historical fantasy game and it tells the story of different individuals who have been influenced by an alternative past during World War II.

Those who backed the campaign and pledged more than $30 will get an early bird digital copy of the game. The highest pledge was $2,500 and perks include a physical copy of the game, t-shirts, a personalized color drawing of the game developer and the backer's name is added to the credits.

Anime Series Confirmed

Aside from releasing the popular visual novel for English readers, an anime adaptation is also set for release this fall. According to Anime News Network, the anime version will follow the same storyline of the original content. The anime project was also greenlit thanks to another successful crowdfunding campaign.

The anime series adaptation will most likely offer a unique take on World War II as an historical fantasy. Infused with supernatural, the upcoming anime series will feature dark themes and supernatural powers.

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