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'Dragon Ball Super' universe survival arc; Female Broly revealed?

By Ryan Dawn Umadhay | Jan 23, 2017 10:02 AM EST
 Gohan vs Goku in Episode 75
(Photo : Screenshot: Youtube/DbTR) Gohan vs Goku in Episode 75

"Dragon Ball Super" is about to enter another story arc and it's going to be a bigger competition with bigger stakes. But aside from the interesting battles, something interesting was shown in the previews.

Commencing a New Arc

On February 5, "Dragon Ball Super" is about to start a brand new arc and according to Crunchyroll, the upcoming storyline is called "Universe Survival Arc." The name suggests that the upcoming battle is more than just fighters' glory - the battle will pit fighters and they are fighting for the survival of their universe.

Twitter user Hermes98 posted the episode synopsis from chapters 74 to 77 and it looks like the arc will start with episode 75. The first episode in the arc will focus on Goku training with Gohan after a request from Chi Chi. In other episodes, Goku will train with Kuririn and Whis.

A New Goku

While the episode guides will feature Goku's new character - the Great Saiyaman, the episode previews in the anime feature something very interesting: a female version of Goku. The preview shows Friza and Cabe powering up.

While there are alien-like characters fighting in behalf of other universes, a female version of Broly was previewed. At first she is just a timid girl but transforms into a super saiyan. No indication yet if she is from another universe.

It's not the first time that a girl will be featured as a saiyan. Cabe was originally thought as a girl in the early chapters and episodes of the manga and anime series but he was actually from another universe where they still use the old saiyan uniforms.

A female Broly fighting the Universe 6 Goku is going to be an interesting match-up. However, fans would just have to contend for now that Goku and the rest of the Universe 6 fighters are still on training.

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