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Pia Wurtzbach guesses movie titles using just emojis

By Rainbow Cruz | Jan 21, 2016 09:14 AM EST
Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach
(Photo : Facebook/Pia Wurtzbach) Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach Watches ‘Allegiance’ And Meets Filipina Broadway Star Lea Salonga--Report

Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo-Wurtzbach recently tried to guess different movie titles using just few emojis.

According to ABS-CBN News, the 26-year-old beauty didn't have a hard time guessing the movie titles because of her fondness for watching foreign films.

The game, entitled, "Miss Universe Guesses Emoji Rom-Coms was off to a good start.

Wurtzbach was first asked to name the movie that may be described using the no emoji as well as the sleep, rain and city emojis. The beauty queen didn't have a hard time guessing that the title of the film was "Sleepless in Seattle."

The next movie title she was asked to guess made use of the kiss, city, heart and shoes emojis. The Filipino-national didn't also have a hard time guessing the movie title as "Sex and the City."

Wurtzbach was then shown 16 candles, and at first she had a hard time guessing what the movie title was. She later on realized that the answer is actually very simple and it's "Sixteen Candles."

Meanwhile, the next movie title once again didn't challenge Wurtzbach that much. After all, the emojis shown were of a hand, a laptop and a mailbox. The Filipino actress guessed it right with "You've Got Mail."

The next set of emojis was a different case for Wurtzbach. After she was shown four emojis of a bride and a skull, she couldn't guess what movie title it was referring to. She later on realized that the film's title is "Four Weddings And A Funeral."

Additionally, the beauty queen also guessed the set of emojis that showed the love, no, broken heart, calendar and number 10. Wurtzbach still didn't have any difficulty naming the movie title as "How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days."

There was another instance though that Wurtzbach had a hard time with guessing what the emojis run, shoes and bride meant. At first she guessed, "Run From A Wedding" which was obviously the wrong title.

She later on remembered that the title of the movie she was being made to guess was "Runaway Bride," according to Bustle.

Towards the end of the video, it's quite easy to assume that Wurtzbach is pretty good at naming movie titles. She's probably watched a lot of films as well.

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