Harrison Ford returns as Rick Deckard in the highly anticipated sequel "Blade Runner 2049." Directed by the acclaimed director Denis Villeneuve, the upcoming sci-fi sequel promises an impressive follow-up as the film pushes for practical effects over CGI.
Minimal CGI Effects
CGI is nearly a staple in most modern movies today especially those with futuristic settings. But for "Blade Runner 2049," director Denis Villeneuve offers unique take as his preference on practical effects over CGI. Although there are CGI effects for the upcoming sci-fi movie, most sequences do not rely on digital touch-up on post production.
According to Variety, Villeneuve confessed that he's an "old school" when it comes to effects. This belief is largely implemented in his upcoming sci-fi film - and this is already considered an amazing feat considering that the film is set in the future. He could even count in one hand the number of times they end up using green screen.
Denis Villeneuve's use of practicality and technology were on display in his previous films. "Sicario" doesn't really need a lot of visual effects but it's still an impressive story telling from various standpoints. Sci-fi thriller "Arrival" is also a masterpiece and Villeneuve admitted that they have to use CGI due to budgetary constraints.
R-Rated Movie Confirmed
Speaking of budgetary constraints, "Blade Runner 2049" is set to be one of the most expensive film with an R-Rating. This gives Villeneuve free reign on what he could use as practical effects over the use of technology.
The R-Rated film will premiere in October 6 this year. It stars Ryan Gosling as K - the new blade runner who discovers a terrible secret. To unravel them all and find a situation, he finds Deckard (played by Ford) who has been on the run for 30 years.
Watch the latest trailer of the upcoming sci-fi sequel below: