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‘Star Wars’ spoilers, updates: ‘Star Wars Rebels’ may have links to ‘Knights of the Old Republic’

By Migs Casas | Jan 23, 2017 03:31 PM EST
“Star Wars Rebels” latest episode reveals connection to “Knights of the Old Republic” game.
(Photo : YouTube/Disney XD) “Star Wars Rebels” latest episode reveals connection to “Knights of the Old Republic” game.

With Disney taking over Lucasfilms and their debut of "Force Awakens," the Expanded Universe has already been considered "Legends," meaning that a lot of the extended stories throughout the decades have not been considered canon. However, recent reports tell of the "Star Wars" Story Group bringing in elements from the Expanded Universe - and it may involve "Knights of the Old Republic."

The "Star Wars" universe was already huge to begin with, especially the Expanded Universe through novels, comics, TV shows, and video games sharing the events of the franchise out of the main films' storylines. With Disney coming into the picture, most of those stories have been labeled as non-canon already.  But this hadn't stopped the Story Group to still work on the continuity of the Expanded Universe. Soon, we'll be seeing more fresh material on TV, in print, or on the big screen, followed a new, complete, multimedia canon.

Fans would be overjoyed that "Star Wars Rebels" have been bringing in numerous EU (Expanded Universe) materials ever since the debut of the villain Grand Admiral Thrawn. According to Gizmodo, the blue figure of ruthlessness and authority made his first appearance last year, which was indication that the "Star Wars" universe is nearly limitless, and possibilities in bringing in EU are coming to reality.

Just recently, the latest episode of "Rebels" added more juicy details to the new "Star Wars" canon, according to Comicbook.com. It featured the first Mandalorian Jedi, Tar Vizsla, and the history of the Darksaber, as well as how the Force and Jedi (and their lightsabers) interacted to make a powerful and deadly combo.

Those who did play the first "Knights of the Old Republic" game would know that the term "Mandalorian" came into play thousands of years before the original trilogy. Now, we've officially gotten the storyline in the new canon, especially when Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus said, "History lesson: The Jedi won the war with Mandalore." That statement alone made fans go nuts with excitement.

During the era of KotOR ("Knights of the Old Republic"), there lay a period of conflict and turmoil called the Mandalorian Wars, when Mandalore (the legendary leader of the Mandalorians) and the Republic have waged war against each other.  It was when the Jedi intervened led by Revan that turned the tide of war - the very same Revan who turned into the terrible Sith and became the center of focus of the entire KoTOR storyline.

There still hasn't been any concrete evidences that Revan or KoTOR would appear in any of the future episodes of "Star Wars Rebels" - or if they would be part of the new canon at all. But one thing's for sure, there a whole lot more coming back from the Expanded Universe into the "Star Wars" saga. 

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